
Showing posts from February, 2020

What are we here for, if not to help each other?

Ahhh, the age old question, why are we here? It's really an interesting topic.  I bet if we asked 10 of our acquaintances, we would get 10 different answers! I have personally pondered this question for many years. Why am I here other than producing my two wonderful children? What am I supposed to do every day to make a difference? If I think about it too long, I start to get anxious. Am I doing what I was supposed to do in my life? How will I know when I'm doing it? Am I wasting time, not living to the fullest? I think the answer can be as simple or as complicated as you'd like it to be. I have narrowed it down to just one thing. We are all connected, so we must help each other to get through life.  Whether you think we all connect via our energy, our human compassion, or just because,  science...we are all intertwined. How do I know this? Easy! When you yawn, do you make other people yawn? When a baby laughs, is it contagious to everyone? When you smile, does someone

Thank you Universe- I did it! My 1st Post.

As I'm sitting here, I can't even remember the date that I created this blog. I remember feeling the same way I do now. A lot extra anxious, expecting so much of myself but needing a break.  Feeling like I need to be a better mom and wife, but exhausted mentally and physically... unsure if I can even do it. A little unsure of myself but pretty sure that I love writing. What was I unsure about? I don't know. Yes I do. Being open and vulnerable to strangers and those that I know? Even being open to myself is scary! You know that deep dark place in your mind that you're thankful nobody can hear? Well, unfortunately mine is pretty active. I would say overactive. It's never satisfied. It's always trying to take over. I heard once that only 4% of what we worry about in our entire lives might even come to fruition. That 96% definitely creeps into my brain more than I would like. Anyway back to the point. I think we receive messages until we learn them. I know we learn